Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Top 5 News Sources

New York Times

    The New York Times is the source I go to the most when I want to know about something. There's a mixture of media content and political content on there, which creates an interesting and captivating outlet. It is also the oldest newspaper in America which makes me believe the news comes from reliable sources.

CBS News

    CBS news is my go-to outlet for tragedies and current news in the US. This platform is very popular, and also streams 24 hours, every single day of the week. This platform also includes content that citizens can send in whenever they want, so you can stay updated on current, real-life situations. 

BBC News

    BBC news is the source that comes up whenever I am looking for world news, and also has an influx of information on the terrible things happening in our world. This news source, from what I've seen is more on the unbiased side. Having a more neutral tone allows me to send it to anyone no matter their political stance, and packs more actual facts rather than perspectives or opinions. 

NBC News

    NBC news is filled with political news, including biased information among the republican and democratic parties. They have countless of articles written on each party, but also give you a deeper explanation of what is happening in the current situations. 

Forbes News

    Forbes news is another source that I feel is less biased than most. It includes visceral and economic information, which needs to be factual, especially when dealing with quantitative data. I think people should give it a shot because no matter your political party, you will be able to find a ton of information that applies to you 

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