Sunday, September 18, 2022

EOTO- Televison

     The presentations of Each One Teach One went very well overall. One presentation i enjoyed hearing about the most was the history of television. The inventor of the television was Philo Farnsworth and has does so in 1927. The TV on the market had taken off, as people had loved the radio and listening to things, but viewing what was happening had taken entertainment to a whole new level. 

Philo Farnsworth 1927

 Television had become so popular that by 1959, 86% of Americans had one or more TVs in their home, and has been a household staple since then. The television would then be used for broadcasting political events, sports games, and even the moon landing. This great invention also gave a platform to the entertainment industry, marketing industry, and so many more that ended up revolutionizing our world. 


Antiwar Censorship

     Our government does an excellent job of censoring voices on the internet. The internet is supposed to be a place where your freedom of speech is protected but it turns out there are hundreds of posts each second getting taken down or hidden by our government. The inhumane and cruel things our government is doing to innocent people for money and power would have everyone in a mass panic. The disbelief and fear of the citizens could create a mass movement to overthrow the government, meaning they wouldn't have any power.

The censorship of anti-war websites, such as ANTIWAR.COM are becoming more and more common. The government does not want to publicize antiwar comments to keep people from looking for a reason to not trust them. The inhumanity of the government is what is really starting to concern me, as it should raise red flags for everyone. The first amendment protects our right to have protected freedom of speech, which is being tampered with by the government, but clearly, our rights are being taken away from us by the people we have to trust for the importance and safety of our country.  

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

EOTO- The Typewriter

     One of the greatest inventions in history is the typewriter due to its massively revolutionary effect. Before typewriters existed, it used to take months, even years to hand write books and newspapers. These books and newspapers would be distributed to a large number of people awaiting the news of the town. The invention of typewriters changed everything. It facilitated communication and helped the workers become more efficient. This efficiency kickstarted more jobs and encouraged people to write and pursue publishing. 
    Prior to the release of the classic typewriter, we think of, inventors were creating typewriter models for the blind so that it would be easier for them to communicate. Since mostly all of the prototypes failed to get a patent, it wasn't until 1867 that the first mass-produced typewriter was put out. 

Hansen Writing Ball

    The first attempt to mass produce typewriters was Rev. Rasmus Malling Hansen and his 'Hansen Writing Ball' which was intended for the blind to use, as it was meant to have braille. Only a few hundred of these models were sold but soon replaced by the classic type-writer we know and love. 
     The typewriter inventor was Christopher Latham Sholes & Carlos Glidden in Ilion, NY. The typewriters only typed in capital letters but were the first successful typewriter on the market which made them very popular. The 'Sholes & Glidden Typerwritter' was the first to use QWERTY, the layout and spacing of the letters on the keyboard to make it easier to type, which we still use today. 
Sholes & Glidden Design

     People had strong opinions, though, thinking it looked like a sewing machine, and some even thought the idea was entirely useless, especially if there were only upper case letters. It was also sometimes hard for people to learn these new skills, and they certainly had to know how to read and write efficiently, so there was a need for a literate and educated worker to use one. Although the typewriter has some flaws, education was becoming more prevalent and created power among people, which made people want to have one. 

    Despite the multiple attempts to make and produce an organized and operating typewriter, the wait was worth it and it resulted in many positive impacts. With the invention of this new tool, came new opportunities for women in the workplace, as they were given new and important tasks. It also allowed religion and ideas to spread rapidly, as there was more access to the bible. Books became easier and cheaper to buy, so people had more access to education. Newspapers started to prosper and everyone would be able to know what is going on locally, and around the world. The invention of the typewriter did not just help a few people, almost every business, company, and office would soon utilize the typewriter religiously, as it was the gateway to a new future. 

Sunday, September 11, 2022

The Eight Values of Free Expression

The value that resonates with me most would have to be individual self-fulfillment. The belief that every person must shape their own opinions based on their personal experiences truly makes sense to me. The thoughts and manners that go into everything day to day, do make end up each of our identities at the end of the day. 

Today, I see people around me all the time (including me) go through self-actualization to get to know themselves a lot better. Creating a safe headspace is important during the process because you don't want any biases getting in the way. Individual self-fulfillment, to me, goes hand-in-hand with promoting innovation. The active movement of protected speech has been one of the most important established moments in history. As a society, I believe we have gotten very far very fast as a collective group of creative and unique souls. People finally realize that the different opinions we all have are crucial in learning. 

   The most commonly used and relied-on way of seeing what is happening in the world is social media. Due to the State Action Doctrine, our first amendment rights are protected as long as the government is not involved. This can be difficult because of exactly how accessible and easy it is to share ideas on social media. 

    Censorship is taking over the internet, yet we can't do anything about it because of the censorship happening among google and other powerful companies. As much as our speech is free, we have people taking down opinions and hiding information from groups of people to try and control what we see. To me, this is a form of manipulation. What is posted on the internet, should be for everyone to see, as there are many things we can learn from each other as people coming from all different lives., 

The Supreme Court

    The Supreme Court has been the holding ground of the US ever since we constituted the rules we live by in our country. The article written by  I'm surprised that George Washington had made the six justices, a life-long position for them. I would assume that after a certain period of time, there would be a change in who is making such decisions. The world has many different perspectives, and with that, we all can learn and benefit from hearing out as many different kinds of people as we can. 

     I found it very interesting how Earl Warren had done so much during his time being chief justice. The massively revolutionary stop of segregation in public schools and getting rid of rules against interracial marriage. The fact that one person was able to contribute to the world in such an immense way, ceases to amaze me. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Top 5 News Sources

New York Times

    The New York Times is the source I go to the most when I want to know about something. There's a mixture of media content and political content on there, which creates an interesting and captivating outlet. It is also the oldest newspaper in America which makes me believe the news comes from reliable sources.

CBS News

    CBS news is my go-to outlet for tragedies and current news in the US. This platform is very popular, and also streams 24 hours, every single day of the week. This platform also includes content that citizens can send in whenever they want, so you can stay updated on current, real-life situations. 

BBC News

    BBC news is the source that comes up whenever I am looking for world news, and also has an influx of information on the terrible things happening in our world. This news source, from what I've seen is more on the unbiased side. Having a more neutral tone allows me to send it to anyone no matter their political stance, and packs more actual facts rather than perspectives or opinions. 

NBC News

    NBC news is filled with political news, including biased information among the republican and democratic parties. They have countless of articles written on each party, but also give you a deeper explanation of what is happening in the current situations. 

Forbes News

    Forbes news is another source that I feel is less biased than most. It includes visceral and economic information, which needs to be factual, especially when dealing with quantitative data. I think people should give it a shot because no matter your political party, you will be able to find a ton of information that applies to you 

From Nisa: The Life and Words of a !Kung Woman - Nisa

The Life and Words of a !Kung Woman by Nisa   "' Do you see what kind of mind your daughter has? Go hit her!'" (642) From...